Research Article
Managing Security Risks of Public Cloud Computing
Ayokunmi Ogundapo*
Vitus Nnamdi Ezeaputa
Volume 9, Issue 5, October 2024
16 July 2024
17 October 2024
18 November 2024
Abstract: The economic benefits and scalability of public cloud computing are already undeniable due to recent advancements in the field; the only question that remains is cloud security. Despite the enormous benefits of moving their computing workload to the cloud, many organizations continue to show resistance to this change. Cloud security concerns are the most frequently mentioned cause. Organizations are concerned by a larger attack surface created by the worldwide accessibility of services in the cloud. The security and risk control set that enterprises can apply in the cloud is also often limited and impacted by the interoperability and support provided by the chosen Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), and organizations are often not allowed to extend their trusted security solutions they are already familiar with to the cloud. Yet, both traditional computing and cloud computing include security risks, and cloud risk is just as controllable as traditional IT risk. Secondary data obtained from Identity Theft Resource Centre (ITRC) database on cloud incidents from year 2020 to 2022 were analyzed in this study. To determine the primary underlying causes of cybersecurity events observed across the years covered by the available data, the study used trend analysis and descriptive statistics. The analysis shows that cloud incidents are not different from traditional incident and organizations can leverage existing capabilities already developed in traditional computing towards managing the cloud risk. Also, organizations need to take be proactive in their responsibility and take ownership of the risks. As the study shows, the majority of cloud incidents are caused by knowledge gaps and the cloud customer's inability to exercise due diligence and care in ensuring effective controls are put in place to stop prevalent attacks. Effective cloud training and adherence to the established cloud control matrix, like the CSA, would successfully lower risk to a reasonable level.
Abstract: The economic benefits and scalability of public cloud computing are already undeniable due to recent advancements in the field; the only question that remains is cloud security. Despite the enormous benefits of moving their computing workload to the cloud, many organizations continue to show resistance to this change. Cloud security concerns are th...
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Research Article
On the Binary Goldbach Conjecture: Analysis and Alternate Formulations Using Projection, Optimization, Hybrid Factorization, Prime Symmetry and Analytic Approximation
Ioannis Papadakis*
Volume 9, Issue 5, October 2024
27 October 2024
12 November 2024
29 November 2024
Abstract: An analysis, based on different mathematical approaches, of the binary Goldbach conjecture −which states that every even integer s≥6 is the sum of two odd primes, called Goldbach primes− is presented. Each approach leads to a different reformulation of this conjecture, thus contributing unique insights into the structure, properties and distribution of prime numbers. The above-mentioned reformulations are based on the following distinct, interrelated and complementary approaches: projection, optimization, hybrid prime factorization, prime symmetry and analytic approximation. Additionally, it is shown that prime factorization is an optimal projection operation on the set of integers; that Goldbach pairs correspond to solutions of an optimization problem; that hybrid prime factorization can be used to generate Goldbach primes; that prime symmetry, a powerful property of Goldbach primes, can be used to validate the binary Goldbach conjecture in short intervals, and to determine the rules that govern the “algebraic evolution” of Goldbach pairs, as the value of s increases; and that analytic approximation, using translational and rotational shifts of smooth functions, leads to a useful approximation of a primality test function and the prime counting function π(s). The paper’s findings support the broader hypothesis that prime numbers, by virtue of their optimality in representing, additively and multiplicatively, any measurable quantity in the universe, supported by the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic and the binary Goldbach conjecture, may be a viable alternative to the exclusive use of binary logic, as a means of achieving additional computational efficiencies of scale in the future.
Abstract: An analysis, based on different mathematical approaches, of the binary Goldbach conjecture −which states that every even integer s≥6 is the sum of two odd primes, called Goldbach primes− is presented. Each approach leads to a different reformulation of this conjecture, thus contributing unique insights into the structure, properties and distributio...
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